Genezareth Kirche
PHOTO: © koyundwinkel

Genezareth Kirche

Herrfurthplatz 14, 12049 Berlin 12049 Berlin Navigation >
13 Follower:innen
0 Events

In the location's words:

As every year, the STARTBAHN/Genezarethkirch invites you to the Fete de la musique . After streaming during the pandemic and two big open-air events next to the church, we are shifting down a gear and continuing indoors, especially since it is very worthwhile to be our guest in the church. We let the Genezarethkirche shine in all colors and sound very diverse. Felix, Arnd and Brandon from STARTBAHN, the church district and the bar/internet radio station "KEITHFEM" from the Schillerkiez district are looking forward to seeing you there. This content has been machine translated.
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