Dolziger Straße 31 10247 Berlin Navigation >
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In the location's words:

Founded in 2015, NOME operates between the realms of art, politics, and technology. By exploring the nodes of the entanglements between these fields, NOME aims to raise critical awareness regarding the crucial issues facing our age. The gallery works with international emerging and mid-career artists such as James Bridle, Jacob Appelbaum, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez, Ralf Baecker and Nils Völcker, whose works have already been shown at major art institutions like MoMA, New York; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; and ZKM Karlsruhe. Their respective practices engage diverse disciplines, including computer science, writing and visual communication, and involve a broad range of media. NOME enables artists to deepen their research and further their artistic potential by collaborating with various cultural institutions and facilitating the production of new works for each exhibition. This content has been machine translated.
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