Did you know that Rausgegangen now gives you the best tips for going out in six cities?

Berlin, Munich, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Cologne & Hamburg - you can view the most exciting events everywhere in the app and on the website.

And because we always love to recommend new and undiscovered things to you, we have a very special surprise for you this time: We're leaving our city and going on a journey of discovery! Together with our partner VisitKöln, we're giving away a city trip for two to the city of Cologne.

Have you always wanted to travel to Cologne and have just been waiting for the right opportunity? Then here's your chance! VisitKöln & Rausgegangen are the perfect match when it comes to events and leisure activities in Cologne, which is why we're planning your personal city trip together and showing you what's going on in the cathedral city. You already know Rausgegangen - VisitKöln shows people all over the world why the city is worth a visit. In addition to the many nightlife options and events, it's above all the warm and relaxed mentality that makes an impression. A perfect fit, right?

What can you expect on your trip to Cologne?

We're giving you and your companion travel to Cologne by Deutsche Bahn, two nights' accommodation (July 21-23) including breakfast at the 25hours Hotel The Circle, the KölnCard and two day tickets for the Eat Play Love Festival on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

EAT - PLAY - LOVE Festival

© Eat Play Love

Cologne in summer is always worth a trip and when there's a festival coming up, you can experience the full diversity of the city. Be there at the eighth Eat Play Love and experience a wonderful summer day and pure festival feeling. Wakeboarding, street food & live music - Eat Play Love will be hosting the European Pro Tour and showcasing the 20 best wakeboarders in Europe at Fühlinger See. Music, electronic DJ sets, art, comedy, workshops, wakeboard action and much more make Eat Play Love a place for sporting and cultural encounters. You can find all the information about the festival here: TO EAT PLAY LOVE

⏰ Day ticket for Sat, 22.07.2023

Fühlinger See, Oranjehofstraße 103-105, 50769 Cologne

Dreamlike overnight stay at the 25hours Hotel - The Circle

© 25hours Hotel - The Circle

Centrally located in the Gerling Quartier, you will immediately notice the large round building. The listed building was designed by the Berlin creative team Studio Aisslinger with a retro-futuristic theme. When you enter the circular lobby, you feel like you're in a science fiction adventure. Robots, golden taps and futuristic furniture make your stay a highlight. You should definitely visit the NENI restaurant and the Monkey Bar on the 8th floor with a unique view of the rooftops of Cologne and, of course, the cathedral. Here you can indulge in delicacies from Israeli, Romanian and Spanish cuisine with local influences and delicious cocktails. Get your own impression of the hotel here: ALL INFO

📍 Im Klapperhof 22-24, 50670 Cologne

Are you curious? Then quickly jump into our lottery pot. We wish you good luck and maybe we'll see you in Cologne in July! The draw will take place on June 30, 2023.

3 highlights that you should definitely not miss

What's more, once you've won, we'll give you a digital city guide that will hopefully make your visit to Cologne unforgettable. Looking for fancy dinner spots? Want to know where you can enjoy the tastiest Aperol Spritz in the countryside? Which museums should definitely be on your route and at which flea market can you pick up a souvenir? All recommendations in the digital city guide are optional, not included in the prize draw package and must be booked by yourself.

Here are our three personal highlights to give you a taste of what you can expect at the festival:

Enjoy "Rocky Horror Picture Show" with a view of the cathedral at the Sion Summer Cinema

This cult movie is always a thrilling experience - no matter how many times you've seen it, you'll be amazed every time. And this time you can watch it in a very special setting! The Sion Summer Cinema is located directly on the Rhine, the screen floats on the water and you have a perfect view of the cathedral. Sunset, popcorn and Frank N. Furter's eccentric party will make your arrival in Cologne something special.


⏰ Fri, 21.07.2023, admission 7 pm

📍 SION SOMMERKINO, Harry-Blum-Platz 1, 50678 Cologne

💰 11 €

Bargain hunting at the flea market in the Alte Feuerwache

One of our favorite flea markets is definitely the one in the courtyard of the Alte Feuerwache cultural center. The market is small but nice, in a quiet location with ever-changing stalls and a relaxed atmosphere. You're sure to find a treasure for yourself among the books, furniture and clothes. Treat yourself to a glass of sparkling wine and take a leisurely stroll through the aisles.


⏰ Sun, 23.07.2023, from 10 a.m.

📍 O ld Fire Station Cologne, Melchiorstraße 3, 50668 Cologne

💰 Admission free

Immerse yourself in the exhibition "Ursula-That's me. So what?" at the Museum Ludwig

This weekend is your last chance to visit the special exhibition "Ursula - Das bin ich. So what?" to visit. In her colorful, fascinating and self-confident works, the artist Ursula Schultze-Bluhm questions established dualisms such as woman/man or man/nature. Be amazed when you look at the huge paintings, large-scale installations, objects and collages.


⏰ Sun, 23.07.2023, from 10 a.m.

📍 Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Cologne

💰 from 8 €

have fun in kölle! We look forward to seeing you! 💜

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