Animal, Mineral, Vegetable – Natur und Nichtmenschliches im Film - The Sky on Location (Babette Mangolte,  USA 1982)

In the organizer's words:

Introduction: Joanna Pocock (in English)

Luminous 16mm images capture many of the most important sights and places of the American West - Yellowstone National Park, Death Valley, Mount St. Helens, the Grand Canyon - across four seasons and with a keen eye for specific shades of color and changes in light. These shots of boundless natural landscapes are flanked by three commentary voices, one of which belongs to the director herself. The transitions between her personal impressions while shooting the film, commentaries and quotes from outside and historical testimonies remain deliberately unmarked, while a clever, increasingly complex questioning of both the concrete landscapes shown and of landscape as an abstract concept gradually comes together. When does nature become landscape? How is it shaped by our previous visual experiences, by the angle from which we view it? And where in the seemingly unpopulated panoramas do the traces of human intervention lurk? "Unlike the first immigrants, we know what lies on the other side of the horizon." (BM)

This content has been machine translated.


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