PHOTO: © Foto Frederic Lezmi

DISKUSSION | Podium: ERBE - ERINNERN & ERNEUERN | CircusDanceFestival 2024

In the organizer's words:

What values can be found in circus, how can innovation be defined and what significance does a so-called circus heritage have for future generations? In the conversation between artists and organizers, who are either more involved in classical variety, traditional or contemporary circus, the focus is on similarities and differences that are rarely discussed. Unfortunately, when it comes to stereotypes on stage, aesthetics and artistic positioning, people are often quick to talk about each other instead of with each other. The podium provides a space to exchange ideas and opinions. The discussion is organized by the Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus (BUZZ) and is part of the symposium "Circus and Heritage - European Encounters".


What values can be found in circus, how can innovation be defined and what significance does a so-called circus heritage have for future generations? In the conversation between artists and organizers, who are either more closely aligned with classical variety, traditional or contemporary circus, the focus is on similarities and differences that are rarely discussed. Unfortunately, when it comes to stereotypes on stage, aesthetics and artistic positioning, people are often quick to talk about each other instead of with each other. The podium provides a space to exchange ideas and opinions with one another. The discussion is organized by the Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus (BUZZ) and is part of the symposium "Circus and Heritage - European Encounters".

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Price information:

without registration

Organizer | Festival

CircusDanceFestival An der Schanz 6 50735 Köln

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