In the organizer's words:

"Lichtspiele Kalk" show in the film series "Cinemania Kalk"...
The "Europa" Trilogy #02
Director: Lars von Trier
Denmark 1987 | 106 min. | HD | FSK 16
Original version (Danish, English) with German subtitles

++ The films of the "Europa" trilogy by Lars von Trier ... Fri 21.06. at 21.30 ELEMENT OF CRIME ... Fri 28.06. at 21.30 EPIDEMIC ... Wed 03.07. at 19.00 h EUROPA ... come all! ++

"To date, this film is the only one in which Lars von Trier has played a leading role. He plays the screenwriter Lars, who loses a script he wrote with his colleague due to a diskette error. The two then draft a new story about the outbreak of a murderous epidemic. Over the following five days, the fiction begins to materialize in cases of illness.
The second part of the Europa trilogy is even more disturbing than von Trier's first film "The Element of Crime" due to the force of the staging and the bleak world view, not least because of the scenes that seem to anticipate his later Dogma style." German Film Museum Frankfurt (2011)

"A jet-black comedy of contagion, a subversive medical-horror freak-out, and a sly metacinematic prank, Lars von Trier's sophomore feature - born from a bet that he couldn't make a film for less than $150,000 - finds the director channeling his singular thematic obsessions into an evocatively lo-fi, perversely self-reflexive provocation. The filmmaker himself stars as a harried screenwriter whose efforts to complete a script about the outbreak of a deadly disease coincide with a grisly real-life plague. A twisted reflection on Europe's haunted past - from the Black Death to World War II - and its scarred present, EPIDEMIC is von Trier at his most idiosyncratic and audaciously experimental." The Criterion Collection

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Price information:

Tickets at the Box Office or in advance via ... Reservation by telephone on 0221 29 49 49 79 ... Admission € 9.00 // reduced € 8.00 (students, apprentices, school / FSJ / people under 25 / guild pass) // Cologne Pass € 7.00


Lichtspiele Kalk Kino Kalk-Mülheimer Straße 130 - 132 51103 Köln

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