PHOTO: © Fassade Außenansicht // Foto: Oliver Jaist


In the organizer's words:

Success as submission

Performance by Malte Schlösser & Team

Malte Schlösser & Team try to escape the constraints of the success society; the functioning and the omnipresent expectations. IN:KON:SIS:TEN:ZEN performs a balancing act between slapstick and consolation, between narrative emptiness and the heightening of being.

This evening of theater has no intention of succeeding and yet sets out to succeed, to create new connections and celebrate the moment of coming together. Success stories determine the way we talk and think: no sentence and no interest, no look, no gesture and no feeling that is not scrutinized. How can these stories be rewritten, how can their meaning be removed? With the help of lost words, contrived jokes, cinematic hyper-realities and musical melancholy, three performers attempt to break out and counter the ideas of "successful biographies". But is this even possible?

IN:KON:SIS:TEN:ZEN moves on the fringes of banality and post-splatter and makes use of the aesthetics of rupture. But, and this is the dilemma, you have to be able to do that again. Through contradictions, sentences hanging in the air and contemplative abandonment, this evening approaches the living being despite the pressure of success and expectation and explores the open. A game of failure that neither wants to win nor lose.

By & with: Bettina Grahs, Felician Hohnloser, Emma Rönnebeck | Concept / Director / Text: Malte Schlösser | Music: Laura Eggert | Lighting: Susana Alonso | Costume / Stage: Clementine Pohl | Video /Photo: Simon Hegenberg | Dramaturgy / Co-direction: Team Endproben - Anna Krauß | Co-direction: Team Endproben - Marie Jordan | Scenes / Text: Malte Schlösser, Emma Rönnebeck | Assistant director / production manager: Elisabeth Conradi | Production manager: Eva-Karen Tittmann | Technical production manager: Chris Wohlrab

Malte Schlösser studied philosophy, religious studies and sociology and was an assistant to Frank Castorf and Christoph Schlingensief, among others. In addition to his work as an author and director, he works as a lecturer in psychotherapy and as a psychotherapist.

Dates: Mon, 29.04. | 20:00 and Tue, 30.04. | 19:00
Location: schwere reiter
Tickets: 30€ support | 18€ normal | 12€ reduced | 5€ min.

ATTENTION: There are brief abrupt light changes, strobe effects and blinding light in this piece.

Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe | Capital Cultural Fund

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

from €5.00

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Schwere Reiter – Tanz Theater Musik Dachauer Straße 114a 80636 München

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