PHOTO: © Alma Hoppes Lustspielhaus

Jan-Uwe Rogge & Matthias Jung - CHILL MAL! Erziehungskabarett mit den Pubertäts-Docs

In the organizer's words:

Do you have children going through puberty?
Then you won't be bored!

Puberty is a difficult time. Doors are slammed and parents are deemed stupid, embarrassing and toxic.
One thing is certain: Puberty is troublesome for all family members, nerves are exposed. The most patient parents are unsettled and at the end of their pedagogical tether.

Jan-Uwe Rogge and Matthias Jung say there's no need for a war of nerves.

Family counselor Jan-Uwe Rogge and qualified teacher and puberty expert Matthias Jung, both bestselling authors, come to the aid of adults and parents with "Chill mal".
They provide answers and questions that concern parents. And they do so with a unique blend of expertise and humor.

The parents of adolescents appear in the famous FAZ questionnaire as heroes in reality - they need support more than ever.

Who could be more qualified than Jan-Uwe Rogge and Matthias Jung?

Education is a laughing matter. The two docs are committed to this motto. They take parents on an entertaining and informative journey through puberty.

The "Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung" praised the two experts highly after their premiere. If you would like to experience the Pubertäts-Docs - go ahead.
You will be more relaxed about yourself and your pubescent children, as the sign on their foreheads still reads: "Closed for renovation!".

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

toll-free at 040-55565556 or by e-mail to Vvk at almahoppe . de

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Alma Hoppes Lustspielhaus Ludolfstraße 53 20249 Hamburg

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