PHOTO: © Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim


In the organizer's words:

No sooner have you made yourself comfortable than all hell breaks loose!

Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, a seaside resort on the Bristol Channel. An illustrious group of actors have come together to tour the United Kingdom with "Naked Facts" - a one-act play about tax evasion, a robbery, a philandering - and lots of sardines.

Unfortunately, the cast is not John Cleese or Rupert Graves, the most famous actors in town, but actors such as Belinda Blair, Frederick Fellowes and Brooke Ashton. Director Lloyd Dallas has his work cut out to get this ensemble on course and on stage in just two weeks, supported by his assistant Poppy and the stage manager Tim, whose strength is dwindling.

You will witness an attempt at a production fueled by hope and Valium, complicated by the idiosyncrasies of the actors and a web of amorous entanglements that many a spider would be envious of. You are sure to enjoy watching the troupe dabble in three acts on the stages of Somerset, Lancashire and County Durham, turning life behind them into either a dream or (much more often) a nightmare.

Fortunately, it is not our English heroes who are on stage at the Kulturbunker, but the KollekTief Turmstraße. This multimedia spectacle is directed by Christian Stock.

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim Berliner Straße 20 51063 Köln

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