PHOTO: © Marcus Engler

Magdalena Ganter: Transit - zwischen Stille und Spektakel

In the organizer's words:

Sometimes a free-spirited comedienne, sometimes a wistful lover, sometimes a childlike joy of life - Magdalena Ganter slips into many roles in her songs, but always remains herself. The thoroughbred entertainer loves to play with breaks and extremes. She reminds some people of a young Marlene Dietrich or Valesca Gert.

In fall 2024, the new album Transit!

Being on the move, being in transit, being in transition - the title sums it all up, reflecting the reality of the Black Forest artist's life over the last three years. Thanks to Neo Noir, the enraptured thinker, songwriter and versatile singer with her beguiling blend of chanson, cabaret noir and jazz in the style of the 1920s was frenetically celebrated by audiences - and also praised and awarded prizes by the press. Ganter's first album in 2021 received the prestigious German Record Critics' Award, while her nationwide tour - despite the pandemic - was crowned with great success. Ganter has appeared in TV formats such as Concerts (arte), Kulturzeit (3Sat), Szene (ZDF), Hauptquartier (TV-Noir) and Kunscht (SWR).

Now Magdalena Ganter has not only left her adopted home of Berlin to return home as a new mother. Other farewells and the resulting new beginnings were also formative. Above all, however, the artist draws her inspiration from her passion for cabaret and variety shows, which shines through even more clearly on Transit than on her debut.

A homage to Ganter's idol Josephine Baker can be found here alongside smugness and eroticism, while at the same time - as in any real cabaret - there is no shying away from serious topics, whether those of our time or very personal ones. However, the chanteuse wraps them so elegantly and gracefully in light muse that they only really hit home after listening, from the opener "So leichtfüßig", which tackles the omnipresent death in life with a lightness that floats above everything, to the caffeine overdose circus scene "Ich Liebt Du" and "Sie", which flirts with a James Bond soundtrack impression with its duet of voice and tuba. The person sung about is reminiscent of the mysterious and dangerous stranger in Lady Blackbird's "Beware The Stranger", right up to the smug finale "Was Immer Lola Will", the only cover on the record.

On this record, Ganter not only celebrates all the facets of the feminine - she also holds the reins behind the scenes: firstly with her own label Neo Noir Records, on which the record is released, and secondly as co-producer. In order to do justice to the vaudeville charm of her music, the strong-willed artist consistently relies on vintage equipment, which once again underlines the original, no: primal lust as the essence of Ganter's sound world. No wonder she sums it up: "Lust is a good term when I think of this record."
Victoriah Szirmai

This content has been machine translated.


BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34 10961 Berlin

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