PHOTO: © GWÖ Köln/Bonn

Regionalgruppentreffen der Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie Köln/Bonn (Arbeitstreffen)

In the organizer's words:

Our monthly working meeting is open to everyone! So just come along if you would like to get an impression of our work or participate in the ECG movement. The working groups will report and we will discuss the latest news in the area of the Economy for the Common Good.

Where: Initiativenhaus Köln, Gürzenichstr. 21 a-c, 50667 Cologne (entrance on the north side of the building)

If you would like to find out more about the ECG movement first, you might prefer to start by attending one of our KENNENLERN-TREFFEN, which we offer approximately every two months. Or visit one of our regulars' tables, where we meet a few times a year in an informal setting.

This content has been machine translated.


Kölner Initiativenhaus für Menschenrechte & Demokratie Gürzenichstraße 21 a-c 50667 Köln