PHOTO: © SUBCUTIS / A.TONAL.THEATER (Köln) & Theater an der Ruhr / Fotograf: Martin Rottenkolber

SUBCUTIS - Eine intermediale Performance über Haut und den Rausch der Selbstoptimierung

In the organizer's words:

"A great evening about final questions, finiteness and humanity, death and the future." (stadtrevue, Cologne city magazine)

In the ongoing frenzy of self-optimization, the natural properties of the skin do not seem to be enough. New technical developments are accelerating the trend for more and more people to have high-tech gadgets implanted under their skin, subcutaneously, in future - making the membrane that represents the natural barrier between their physique and the outside world ever more permeable. What seems like a blessing for some, frightens others - where are our limits? How is this development changing our image of humanity?

13 citizens from different generations, milieus and backgrounds, together with 3 professional performers and the musicians Pía Miranda (trombone) and Peter Eisold (percussion & electronics), take a look at the topic of skin as the boundary between the inner and outer world and the beginning of a new era: the age of transhumanism.

SUBCUTIS is a production of A.TONAL.THEATER, the Theater an der Ruhr and the VolXbühne (Mülheim an der Ruhr) in co-production with Freihandelszone - Ensemblenetzwerk Köln and the Alte Feuerwache Köln as well as in cooperation with the "Zukunftswerkstatt der Volkskunde/Kulturgeschichte unter Leitung von Anne Dippel" of the University of Jena.

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Alte Feuerwache Melchiorstraße 3 50670 Köln