PHOTO: © David von Becker

VALIE EXPORT . Retrospektive

PICK OF THE DAY Exhibition
You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

The exhibition presents the multifaceted work of one of the most important media and performance artists of the 20th century. VALIE EXPORT (*1940) is internationally regarded as a pioneering artist who challenges social norms and role models with her media-reflexive practice and feminist criticism. From her early provocative Expanded Cinema actions to her symbolic performances and urban interventions, the exhibition guides visitors through her multifaceted artistic development. EXPORT's intensive engagement with media such as video, drawing and installation is evident in various phases of her work, especially in her experimental approach to photography, which is a particular focus of the exhibition. Her radical performances and her critical analysis of mass media highlight, among other things, the role of women and their social marginalization in a patriarchal society.


The exhibition presents the multifaceted oeuvre of one of the most important media and performance artists of the twentieth century. VALIE EXPORT (b. 1940) is internationally recognized as a trailblazing artist who challenges social norms and role models with her media-reflective practice and feminist criticism. This exhibition presents her eclectic artistic development, ranging from her early, provocative "expanded cinema" actions to her symbolic performances and urban interventions. EXPORT's in-depth examination of media such as video, drawing, and installation is apparent in the different phases of her career, especially in her experimental approach to photography, which is a special focus of this exhibition. Her radical performances and critical analysis of mass media highlight, among other things, the role of women and their social marginalization in a patriarchal society.

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C/O Berlin Hardenbergstraße 22–24 10623 Berlin

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