Horn to be Wild
PHOTO: © Copyright by Horn to be Wild

Horn to be Wild

Deliusweg 40 28359 Bremen Navigation >
2 Follower:innen

In the page's words:

The Horn to be Wild Festival is an honorary Idie music festival in Bremen Horn.

It all started when a few friends and I had the crazy idea of organizing a festival in our district of Bremen Horn. Fittingly, the Horn-Lehe advisory board was financially supporting projects that promote youth participation in the district at the time. After a successful presentation of our concept, the first Horn to be Wild festival was born in 2015.

Since then, we have been constantly improving our project according to the motto "learning by doing" and were able to spend a great Saturday with 1200 guests in 2023, and the festival has now become a full-time hobby for 30 volunteer pupils, students and trainees. So if you fancy a wild indie-pop festival in Bremen, why not drop by?

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