PHOTO: © Tran Chau


11 Follower:innen

In the artist's words:

A voice that stops time. CATT transforms seemingly small stories into universal narratives about the now, the here, the being. Music as hope, full of radiant clarity. A new draft of pop, full of depth, sparkle and above all: honesty.

Growing up in a three-house village in northern Germany between forests, fields, classical piano training and trombone choirs, CATT surrounded herself with music from an early age. She was singing before she could speak properly. Today she switches effortlessly between a variety of instruments and delights audiences with her immense musicality and joy of playing, both in solo concerts and with her incredible band.

The debut album "Why,Why" and the subsequent EP with acoustic versions found their way into countless ears and hearts and: Into rave reviews. The concerts left an enthusiastic audience in their wake. Now "Change" shows a mature artist.

Immerse yourself in the music of CATT.

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