PHOTO: © Feierwerk


In the organizer's words:


YOUR ARMS ARE MY COOCON are a bedroom screamo band from Chicago that combines soulful vocals and lyrics with beautiful, dreamy instruments. Small songs for big hearts. (Source: Organizer, Translation: Feierwerk e.V.)


Life is often full of disappointments, but what happens when we actually get what we want? In 2018, Shannon Taylor's life had completely changed. Her band AWAKEBUTSTILLINBED was critically acclaimed and had a fanbase that connected deeply with her debut. What people call low self-esteem is really just seeing themselves the way others see them. It was everything Taylor had wanted. But as the band dove headfirst into touring - completing four full US tours in just two years - something strange began to happen. Despite their recent successes, a familiar feeling began to gnaw at her.
"When you're one of those people who always just wanted to make music, and you finally achieve that goal, but then suddenly you're not happy anymore, it's a very rude awakening," Taylor says.
Faced with this rude awakening, she did the only sensible thing: she wrote the band's follow-up. The emo band from the Bay Area returns with "Chaos takes the wheel and i am a passenger" on Tiny Engines, their first new album in five years. From the first moment, with the warm, opening guitar strum, ABSIB pick up right where they left us at the end of what people call Low Selfesteem. Taylor, who is still an open book, laughingly confesses that "the album format for me is basically like my diary - to not be too emo". This explains the long break between the band's first LP and the current album. As the album conceptually revolves around Taylor's reaction to touring life, writing more or less ceased during the pandemic. When touring resumed in 2021, so did the inspiration.

As a band, ABSIB also play to each other's strengths, consisting of Taylor (vocals and guitar), Brendan Gibson (guitar and keys), Alex Botkin (bass) and Erik Lobo (drums). At just under an hour, "Chaos Takes The Wheel" is a very devoted album, relentless in its detailed interiors.

By the end of the album, we've traveled countless miles with AWAKEBUTSTILLINBED, through tender moments and turmoil alike. The road isn't always easy, but it's the only road ahead. Wherever home was, it's a long way back now. But when we reach the album closer "passenger", one thing is clear: wherever they land next, ABSIB will be there, still raw, still vulnerable. (Source: Band, Translated by: Feierwerk e.V.)


They were formed around 2005 as young teenagers, but disbanded after a surprising and overwhelming underground success on platforms like MySpace and Pure Volume. BEACH CH URCH are back to fill the space between post Midwest emo and leftfield math pop. BEACH CHRUCH decided to abandon their traditional band structure and now act as an open collective with changing musical line-ups and singers from the current German-speaking DIY and emo scene. Strictly DIY and decidedly oddball, their ever-changing, complex and highly melodic (real fake) emo songs are never the same. The results are as captivating as they are irritating and confusing for all involved. So come along and bring your friends for a night of ... well. (Source: Band)

This content has been machine translated.


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