PHOTO: © Bernd Imgrund

Luftfahrtgeschichten - Vom Butz zur Kunibertsrampe | Radtour

In the organizer's words:

Cologne/Bonn Airport in Wahn is not all that Cologne has to offer in terms of aviation. On the contrary: elsewhere there was both flying and building. Some relics can still be seen today. The most important place in Cologne's aviation history is in Ossendorf, and this is where our tour should begin. An airport was built at Butzweiler Hof, once a farm, in 1911. On our way, we will meet the airship pioneer Count Zeppelin and visit the former factory of Flugmaschinen Rex GmbH, where the Cologne merchant Walter Gutbier had single and double-decker airplanes built at the beginning of the 20th century. Together we will visit the relics of the former helicopter airport in the inner green belt before the tour ends at the old seaplane harbor in front of St. Kunibert.

Tickets: 18 €
Expert: Bernd Imgrund
Category: by bike

Duration: Approx. 2 hours by bike

Meeting point: Butzweiler Hof, at the aviation memorial column; corner of Rita-Maiburg-Straße and Käthe-Paulus-Straße

Vacation in Cologne - Discover your city!
July 5 to 21, 2024
All information & tours at:!

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Butzweiler Hof Butzweilerhofallee 50829 Köln

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch
Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch Im Mediapark 7 50670 Köln

Organizer | Event Series

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