PHOTO: © Camillo Grewe

Soo viele hmmmm

In the organizer's words:

There are many individual answers to the question of why we make art. Some already have an answer, others don't even ask themselves the question.

The exhibition "Soo many hmmmm" brings together nine artistic positions and aims to create a space for communication in which the works enter into contact like interlocutors with different motivations. In a quiet and sometimes noisy gathering, the exhibited works negotiate issues that arise in the encounter. Emotional involvement, craftsmanship and conceptual orientation all play different roles.

The video by Lea Stein, which lends its title to the exhibition, shows variations of the same figure communicating with each other by saying "hmmm". Just like these figures, "hmmm"'s can also differ significantly depending on their tone of voice despite their basic similarity: skeptical, enthusiastic, enthusiastic, approving, indifferent, surprised, thoughtful, disappointed.

"Soo viele hmmmm" aims to challenge a broad spectrum of "hmmm "s, to reflect on established habits of judgment and to assert art as something that exists unconditionally.

Supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Cologne



There are many individual answers to the question of why we make art. Some already have an answer, others don't even ask themselves the question.

The exhibition "Soo many hmmmm" brings together nine artistic positions and aims to create a space for communication in which the works enter into contact like interlocutors with different motivations. In a quiet and sometimes noisy gathering, the exhibited works negotiate issues that arise in the encounter. Emotional involvement, craftsmanship and conceptual orientation all play different roles.

The video by Lea Stein, which lends its title to the exhibition, shows variations of the same figure communicating with each other by saying "hmmm". Just like these figures, "hmmm"'s can also differ significantly depending on their tone of voice despite their basic similarity: skeptical, enthusiastic, approving, indifferent, surprised, thoughtful, disappointed.

"Soo viele hmmmm" aims to challenge a broad spectrum of "hmmm"'s, to reflect on established habits of judgment and to assert art as something unconditionally present.

Funded by "Kulturamt der Stadt Köln"


5.7.2024- 11.8.2024

Opening 5.7.2024 4pm

5pm Concert by "Uhh no"

List of artists:

Nicole Baginski

Ivan Geddert

Ulrike Grewe

Okka-Esther Hungerbühler

Lea Stein

Martina Stoffel

Lily van der Stokker

Robert Trutnau

Juewen Zhang

curated by Camillo Grewe

"Uhh no" are: Souleymane Fall, Camillo Grewe, Tom Schächter, Robert Trutnau

Poster "Soo many hmmmm" by Lea Stein

With the kind support of Kunsthaus Kat18 Cologne and Atelier Goldstein Frankfurt.

Open every Saturday from 14.00 to 18.00 hours

and by appointment

This content has been machine translated.


KunstWerk Köln e. V. Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 115 51063 Köln

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