In the organizer's words:

Thomas Renwart's (*1995, Belgium) textile wall works in the solo exhibition "Shelter from the Storm" repeatedly show the subject of the butterfly. Depicted in flight amidst historical planetary maps, they refer to man's deep-rooted desire to explain his world and environment while trying to recognize himself. Renwart's works are surrounded by alchemical, ritualistic and mystical power and cosmic energy. On the one hand, they help us to deal with the strongly ambivalent themes and feelings of the current social and interpersonal situation in a melancholy, emotional and intimate way. They show us the dark side of human, and above all personal, developments in the course of life. At the same time, however, they give us stability in an inscrutable world in which cheerfulness and illusion are imposed as dogma. In a society in which distance is often valued over depth.

Renwart not only has a preference for the mythological, but also for the mystical and enchanted. He sees something hidden in the flora and fauna and expresses this in his works. He interweaves his sensitivity for feelings, memories, the supernatural and the poetic with the material in such a way that a different manifest reality emerges, combining beauty and drama.
He mixes personal thoughts and feelings, in pictorial form, often framed by text, with content from literature, science, history or pop culture. His references are a mixture of poetry and realism, memory and statement.

This content has been machine translated.


Thomas Rehbein Galerie Aachener Straße 5 50674 Köln

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