Wolfgang Berndt – Non, je ne regrid rien

In the organizer's words:

Wolfgang Berndt - Non, je ne regrid rien

Invitation to the vernissage
Friday, May 24, 2024
4-8 p.m.

Wolfgang Berndt, a renowned artist from Cologne, is a pioneer of generative art. His works, characterized by parameterizable systems, unfold a fascinating non-figurativity. Algorithmic processes create abstract compositions that transport the viewer into a world of infinite possibilities. Berndt's art is more than just aesthetically pleasing; it challenges the viewer to rethink traditional notions of art and creativity.

His works are dynamic processes that are constantly in flux and allow for deep reflection on the nature of form and structure. Berndt questions the role of the artist in an increasingly digitalized world and explores the limits of human creativity.

His use of technology in art inspires reflection on the connection between man and machine and explores new forms of creative expression.

Berndt's art is a tribute to the diversity and unpredictability of life, encouraging the viewer to explore the complexity of the universe and discover the beauty in chaos*.

The exhibition will be on display until June 28, 2024.

*Text by Chat GPT
Keywords: Wolfgang Berndt, Cologne artist, generative art, non-figurative, parameterizable systems

Gallery r8m
Luxemburger Street 197
50939 Cologne


Opening hours
Thursdays 4-7 p.m.
Fridays 4-7 p.m.
and by appointment

This content has been machine translated.


Galerie r8m Luxemburger Straße 197 50939 Köln