PHOTO: © ©Filip Jacobson


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CircusDanceFestival | May 16-20, 2024

Under the title "Re-Inventing Circus", the Cologne CircusDanceFestival dedicates its current festival edition to contemporary circus between heritage and renewal and discusses the understanding of circus in terms of tradition and experimentation.
From May 16 to 20, 2024, internationally outstanding works of contemporary circus will be shown open air on the LATIBUL grounds, directly on the banks of the Rhine in the north of Cologne. German premieres include the productions "Glorious Bodies" by the company Circumstances by Belgian circus artist and choreographer Piet Van Dycke and "A spectacle of herself" by British circus performer Laura Murphy, with "Blueprint" the new creation by the host company Overhead Project from Cologne.
There will also be a film program in the open-air cinema on the grounds with the support of ARTE, daily free concerts and an evening discussion program. On Whit Sunday, the "LATIBUL CircusGarden" will be held for the first time - a day for the whole family by and with the LATIBUL team.
The complete program of the CircusDanceFestival 2024 is now available on the festival website. Advance sales have started, tickets are available here and at Rausgegangen.

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