Juwelier Tewes

Juwelier Tewes

Westenhellweg 6 44137 Dortmund Navigation >
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In the location's words:

Jewelry at its best

In the times of Goethe and Beethoven, when jewelry was not yet accessible to the bourgeoisie and sacred art was in the foreground, Carl Tewes made his way from Soest to Dortmund and founded his company in 1824. This makes Tewes the oldest jewelry company in Dortmund. Quite a few years under its belt - but today more modern and stylish than ever.

The founder's great-great-grandson Rudolf Tewes now continues to run this "piece of jewelry" in the 6th generation. We visited him in the store on Westenhellweg and talked about old times, the craft of the goldsmith and the hard times during and after the war. In 1949, the company had to start all over again. Completely new. And because the old store had fallen victim to the war, a new building had to be constructed. Of course, it had to be near the Reinoldi Church, because Jeweler Tewes had always been located in the shadow of the Reinoldi Church for all those years - an unbelievable 193 in number. With initially as said sacral jewelry, silver cups, cutlery and now quite modern with stylish jewelry. Unique, transformable necklaces, crazy rings, beautiful wedding rings, Swiss watches and for the very traditional among us, there are also baby rattles made of silver.

"We often serve three generations of the same family here," Rudolf Tewes tells us proudly: the 30+ generation, who choose their wedding rings from us. The 50+ generation, who fulfill a wish or are looking for a valuable gift, and the 3rd generation the Ü70, who have their treasures valued or reworked."

And each generation the team serves in an incredibly warm and appreciative manner. "Jewelry is a matter of the heart, and the sentimental value is often much higher than the monetary value," the goldsmith, who learned his trade in Schwäbisch Gmünd, tells us. He completed further training in Ida-Oberstein to become a gemologist (for determining gemstones) and then trained as a merchant in Koblenz.

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