Odds and Sods

Odds and Sods

Saarlandstraße 87 44139 Dortmund Navigation >
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In the location's words:

Small rummage shop

On Saarlandstraße there is a small store that invites you to rummage and marvel. The Odds and Sods, which translates as small stuff, has all kinds of junk for you. Trinkets from the 50s, 60s and 70s. But here you will not only find odds and ends, such as porcelain, vases, jewelry, books or home accessories, but also furniture. Lots of Danish furniture from the 60s, special secretaries, the brands Vitra and Knoll. A special find: an apothecary cabinet from the Biedermeier period, which currently stands in the middle of the small store. Where do Martin and Sabine Seebacher, the store's owners, get their treasures?

We do a little digging: Martin loves flea markets. Both as a seller and as a junk dealer. He has acquired a special junk eye over the years and recognizes special things even from far away. How can he turn this passion into a profession? This question was asked by the nice couple, who had always been extremely busy professionally. The answer was quickly found. Martin and Sabine were brave, quit their secure jobs and went into business for themselves. Their company Seebacher came into being and has been carrying out household clearances in Dortmund and the surrounding area ever since. "It's unbelievable what great treasures we've already discovered here," Susanne enthuses, telling us about great collectibles, coral necklaces or bombastic stamp collections.

Martin and Sabine's absolute dream, however, was always to sell these treasures not only at the flea market, but to have their own little store, a rummage store. And so in 2011 they came by chance to the small store on Saarlandstraße and furnished it with great attention to detail. And so every day can be dawdled here. 2 times a year Sabine and Martin still go to the flea market and sell there. Because that has a very special charm....

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