In the organizer's words:

May 25 + 26 (Sat + Sun): 12-22 h
May 27 + 28 (Mon + Tue): 7 pm - 10 pm
May 29 (Wednesday): 6-10 p.m.
May 30 (Corpus Christi): 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Periods are part of everyday life for many people. Nevertheless, it is still often a taboo. Let's change that!
The hands-on exhibition invites all visitors to find out more about periods, reflect on their own attitudes and exchange ideas.
In the hands-on exhibition there are:
  • Knowledge stations: Expand your knowledge about periods, learn new things, find answers!
  • Hands-on stations: How long is your cycle? What tips do you have for period problems? What makes a good co-menstruator? You can also see what other visitors' answers are to these and other questions.
  • Period library: Discover the right period book for you, your friend, ...
  • All period products that are currently available: Touch them, compare them with others, get to know different brands.
  • A creative station where you can get creative with your period.
Accompanying program
Workshops on various topics will be offered during the exhibition, e.g. "Getting to know period products", "Endometriosis and desire", "A look at your own period biography". There will also be guided tours and a creative session on periods and vulvas.
For the final workshop dates and the latest updates on the exhibition, check out Instagram .
The exhibition is for all people with and without periods. People under the age of 12 are also welcome, but may need someone to explore the exhibition with them.
This content has been machine translated.


Motoki Wohnzimmer Stammstraße 32 50823 Köln

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