Tips for plant lovers in Munich

Use this time to hone your green fingers! Because plants really do make life and your own four walls better. At least when you are rewarded with a new leaf for all the watering, repotting and constant tending. If you also want to get into the plant theme or take it even further, here are a few tips from plant lover (and editor-in-chief) Regina.

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5 tips for Pho in Munich

5 tips for Pho in Munich
© Sharon Chen

There is generally something very comforting about food and a warm soup is a very special treat for body, mind and soul. A delicately spiced pho is particularly delicious. The traditional beef broth is a popular national dish in Vietnam and is eaten at any time of day - including in Munich, of course. Find out where you can find the best pho in the city here. <a href="" rel="None" target="None">And if you prefer ramen, this article will help you.</a>

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Our game tips

Grab your roommate or invite a friend and forget the lockdown blues with a fun game night. We have a few ideas for the game selection - don't worry, we've left Monopoly out of the equation.

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Food blogs from Munich

The same question every day: "What do I cook?". If you're looking for inspiration away from your cookbooks, we present six food blogs from Munich that could help. No matter how skilled you are in the kitchen - there are recipes here for every level of difficulty.

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Series from Munich

When hanging out outside isn't fun at the moment, series from Munich have to do the trick. Stock up on snacks, chill a round of wine and off you go. We have 7 series for you that not everyone knows, but are also set in Munich.

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9 brunch box tips for at home

Whether Saturday or Sunday: a hearty brunch puts you in a good mood. Even more so if it is delivered directly to your doorstep in the form of a brunch box or you just have to pick it up. Take your time choosing, because with these nine options, it really isn't easy.

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6 small labels &amp; artists from Munich

Do you want some new jewelry? Or a sunglasses strap for this summer? There are many small labels and artists in Munich where you can browse. The products are all handmade and are sure to make you happy in the long term.

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The Telemilla

If you miss concert spaces like the Milla Club as much as we do, Telemilla gives you the opportunity to at least digitally transport yourself there. Since December 2020, the Milla Club has been providing a varied program - streamed directly from the sacred Milla halls. By purchasing a ticket, you are also supporting Milla financially. After all, we all want to be back in the front row with a beer in our hand at some point. PS: Over a year into lockdown and you still haven't streamed a single concert? Then do it now!

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Podcasts from Munich

Whether we're tidying up, cooking or going for a walk - we almost always have podcasts in our ears. And to show you which of them come from Munich, we've put together our best-of for you. You can look forward to a wide variety of topics and speakers. Support your local is also great here!

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